Enhance Your Yoga


There are so many reasons to do Yoga! The health benefits alone make yoga worthwhile. In order to make the most of your yoga practice, you may prepare your feet with a toe spacer.

Unfortunately, most of the tools on the market are meant to be used before or after a workout and can have a limited benefit. In order to build a strong foundation of strength and flexibility, wearing a toe stretching device should be done during your Yoga workouts. Let us explain.

Yoga focuses on body awareness, and Correct Toes assist with this at the feet as they were designed to be used during activities like yoga (learn more). Many, if not all, yoga poses require a strong foundation; this can be hard on your feet, especially when you are standing on one leg. Awareness in the feet improves balance and ground connection, allowing you to get the most out of your practice. The wider your toes can spread, the sturdier your base can be. Anne McCrainie of Fluid Portland Yoga Studio agrees: “By wearing Correct Toes, my clients have elongated their curled toes, allowing for greater mobility and ease in standing in balance poses like tree (Vrksasana) and Dancer (Natarajasana).”

Flexibility is another central focus of yoga; however, poor flexibility can inhibit blood circulation. Stiffness in your toes affects your body’s efficiency and smoothness of movement, thus requiring other joints to compensate. Once this happens, it can be difficult to regain dexterity and ensure blood flow to your toes. Using Correct Toes helps gently guide the toes back to their natural position, opening circulation throughout the feet. Over time, the muscles in your feet will reawaken and begin to work on their own.

Correct Toes can make the most of your yoga experience, helping the muscles in your feet work like never before. Give yourself and your feet the independence they need to get and stay strong. There’s truth to the old adage, “if you don’t use it, you lose it.” So go ahead, pull out your yoga mat, slip on your Correct Toes and give your feet a solid foundation for life.

Keep the conversation going! Tag us on Twitter and use the hashtag #CTyoga, if you have any questions or have anything to share.

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